I came across a youtube ad recently that caught my eye. This was the first time in a while that I didn't immediately count down the seconds until I could skip. It was direct and talked about an issue that I, along with many other consumers in my age range are interested in. The ad talked about how much plastic we use a day, how there is not an easy way around not using the plastic, but then offered a solution. Plastic turned into clothing, sold exclusively at Everlane.
The campaign was promoting the hashtag #ReNewToday, renew as in renewing plastics into clothing. Everlane is an online retail store that mainly targets millennials who are looking to buy affordable, high quality basics. Their mission has always been to attract the more ethically conscious buyer since they opened in 2011, but now they are taking a more serious approach by promoting #ReNewToday. Their new brand idea is to sell mainly outerwear such as, puffer jackets and fleece sweatshirts made entirely of plastic. Their objective is to eliminate plastic from their entire supply chain by 2021, a pretty huge development in fashion.
Everlane might be able to pull in an audience targeted towards Gen Z with this campaign. Get Z is focused on buying from socially responsible brands. Many brands notice this and are falling victim to 'green marketing', but I think Everlane makes the cut with this campaign because we are able to see the entire process from plastic to jacket. They also have a clear goal in mind that they are promoting which is inspiring to those younger consumers looking to make small steps towards a waste-free life.
Strengths for this campaign include, increasing customer loyalty among those who already are familiar with the brand and those who are interested in dressing in sustainable clothing. The new outerwear ranges from $60-$150, which may be a steep price tag for those Gen Z'ers who are unemployed, but we are willing to save up in order to shop ethically. We would rather shop at stores like Everlane then drop small amounts of money here and there on fast fashion companies like Zara and H&M.
Weaknesses come from the intense production process it takes in order to make these fabrics from plastic. It took Everlane 2 years to produce the first fabric. It is a long and costly process that may end up not being effective in the long run, but it is a risk they are willing to take. Customers might also be weary of the quality of the fabric since this is a new concept they are not used to. Everlane should take extra care in their campaigns to show that this is not the case.
So far, the campaign is receiving a positive response, and I know that personally I enjoyed the ad and think that others will too. I have never shopped at Everlane, nor heard of the brand much before this, but now I am more inclined to buy from them and share the #ReNewToday story with my friends and family.